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About ...

The Story

The Old Testament book of Ruth is an ordinary story about ordinary people. It is like a ray of sunshine, sandwiched between the books of Judges and 1 Samuel. In Ruth we find no battles, no murders, no harsh judgements meted out by earthly or divine hands.


What we do find is a family of people whose faith shines through in the reality of their everyday lives: in their loving concern for each other, in their kindness towards servants and workers. Here indeed is purity, innocence, faithfulness and loyalty worked out in the daily lives of a family who lived almost 3000 years ago.

Staging The Musical

'Ruth' is a musical play which can be performed by choirs, by schools, by theatrical groups or church groups.


'Ruth' is a one-act play which lasts for about one hour.


The themes in the play, which follow closely the threads that weave through the book of Ruth in the Old Testament, relate to subjects close to the hearts of most of us: those of loving kindness, caring and the need for a safe refuge. The story of Ruth is a gentle story.


The text used is current and uncomplicated, easily spoken and understood by children and adults alike. None of the scenes are particularly long and the words, most of which are in the form of songs, are easily learnt by all ages.


The play can be performed as a stage play with narrator, solo singers and a small choir, accompanied by the available fully orchestrated backing tracks, or by piano (score available).


Alternatively, it could be performed as a fuller production for a larger choir and solo singers, stage backdrops and extra performers for the various crowd scenes.

My Bio

I am a retired electronics engineer and taught myself how to play guitar when I was a teenager. Over the years I have performed in public with various friends and colleagues, almost always for free and just for the fun of it.


My lifelong interest in technology and computers was put to good use post-retirement in setting up a small studio at home where I compose and record my own music, including preparation of the Score, Producer's Script, and fully-orchestrated Rehearsal and Backing tracks for 'Ruth.'

Copyright Details

The script of 'Ruth, A Musical Play' is subject to copyright law. It must not be copied, printed, distributed or performed without  permission. Copying and Performance Licences, the Producer's Script, Music Score, Rehearsal and Backing CDs may be obtained from


The music and score of 'Ruth, A Musical Play' is the copyright of Graham W Evans.


Dialogue in the play and lyrics of the songs are based on text in the Book of Ruth in the New International Bible. This text is used by permission.

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